
鼎湖山(Dinghu Mount)

时间:2022-11-02 16:26:28 admin

  文房四宝中有一样是砚台,大家知不知道哪里出产的砚台最有名呢?对了,就是广东肇庆的端砚。zhaoqing is famous for its beautiful scenery, too. 今天,呱呱就带大家去岭南四大名山之一——肇庆的鼎湖山去看看。

  there is a lake on the top of mount dinghu. 所以人们就把它叫做顶湖山。据说黄帝曾经在这里铸鼎,鼎铸成以后,黄帝就成了仙。于是人们又叫它鼎湖山。

  鼎湖山有三多,一是植物多。there are more than 2,000 kinds of plants on the mountain. most of them are rare ones. 有些是在别的地方已经灭绝了的,还有一些是非常高寿的古树。no wonder it is called the museum of nature.

  这第二多就是寺庙多。鼎湖山也是一个佛教圣地。there are many temples here. 看来和尚道士们都喜欢到风光壮美的山里修行啊。这里有庆云寺,白云寺,卧龙庵,莲花庵,其中庆云寺是岭南四大名刹之一,有非常多的文物古迹。many tourists visit it every year.


  鼎湖山有非常清新的自然环境,是一个巨大的“氧吧”。if you get tired of life in the city, come here and enjoy the beauty of nature.

  结尾:非常感谢大家阅读《鼎湖山(Dinghu Mount)》,更多精彩内容等着大家,欢迎持续关注学习大全网「Xuexidaquan.Com」,一起成长!

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